Project management for small business

Get back to doing what you love.

Project management helps with…

  • inventory management

  • invoice and payment systems

  • organizational structure

  • resume review and onboarding

  • supply reorder timelines

  • equipment upgrades

Project management, right-sized for your business.

Who needs project management?


Project management isn’t just for large corporations, giant IT departments, or construction firms. Every small business that has a drawer full of invoices or untracked inventory or the good problem of high customer demand has a project that needs to be managed.

At RFM Consulting, my goal is to work myself out of a job. I want to help you identify what is getting in the way of your success, design a solution, implement the fix, and get back out of the way.

Shoot me an email, and let’s talk about how well-managed projects can help your business succeed.


How can I help you succeed?

A little bit about me…

As a type A oldest kid, I’ve been managing projects since before I knew the word. I’ve worked in retail, medical, nonprofit, and government environments, and I’ve never met a problem I didn’t want to solve. In a world that is full of mediocre, I want to build the exceptional.

~ Monica Raab, BA, MPA