Project management for small business
Get back to doing what you love.
Project management helps with…
inventory management
invoice and payment systems
organizational structure
resume review and onboarding
supply reorder timelines
equipment upgrades
Project management, right-sized for your business.
Who needs project management?
Project management isn’t just for large corporations, giant IT departments, or construction firms. Every small business that has a drawer full of invoices or untracked inventory or the good problem of high customer demand has a project that needs to be managed.
At RFM Consulting, my goal is to work myself out of a job. I want to help you identify what is getting in the way of your success, design a solution, implement the fix, and get back out of the way.
Shoot me an email, and let’s talk about how well-managed projects can help your business succeed.
A project is any business endeavor that has a defined scope and a limited time and that is done in addition to regular business operations.
Simple, clean, efficient, effective projects do not happen by accident. Project managers help business owners identify, define, document, solve, and monitor business improvements for maximum benefit.
Large project management firms are expensive! But I offer project management at the right size and the right price for your small business. We can discuss pricing by the hour or by the job - just get in touch and tell me what you need to succeed.
I offer a limited number of free consults per week. We’ll discuss what you’re looking for and what obstacles stand in your way. Then I’ll write up a proposed approach and email it to you within a week. Because I want you to succeed, that proposal is yours to keep and enact as you see fit. If you want to hire me to design and complete the projects we discuss, just let me know!
We’ll work together to describe your business needs and identify what issues are obstructing progress. Once we’ve identified the problem, we’ll describe the solution, design the fix, implement, and monitor to be sure the solution sticks. You’ll have clearly defined exit parameters to know when the project is complete.
How can I help you succeed?
A little bit about me…
As a type A oldest kid, I’ve been managing projects since before I knew the word. I’ve worked in retail, medical, nonprofit, and government environments, and I’ve never met a problem I didn’t want to solve. In a world that is full of mediocre, I want to build the exceptional.
~ Monica Raab, BA, MPA